Ocular Disease Diagnosis and Management
Millions of Americans are considered legally blind. Detecting eye disease early is critical in preventing vision loss. Many conditions can be effectively managed if treated early.
Common Conditions
Pink Eye - This condition can be caused by a host of different issues, such as infections, inflammatory conditions, allergies or injuries. Due to the many potential causes, evaluation by a trained eye specialist at our office is critical to properly diagnose the cause and begin treatment.
Dry Eyes - Dry eyes are caused by insufficient lubrication of the front surface of the eye. Left untreated, dry eyes can be very uncomfortable and possibly damaging to the eye.
Flashes/Floaters - Floaters are very common, but sudden onset floaters, especially with the presence of sudden flashes of light or a curtain blocking part of your vision could indicate a retinal detachment. Having your eyes checked as soon as possible is important to detect a detachment and obtain a referral to a surgeon for repair. Delaying diagnosis and treatment may cause permanent damage to your vision.

The Vision Center is heavily invested in the latest diagnostic technology, which allows our doctors to detect problems earlier and help to prevent damage to your vision. We utilize technology such as Optos California retinal imaging, Optovue OCT retina scanning, Topcon corneal topography as well as other devices to accurately and quickly diagnose any potential issues that may affect your vision.